The Friends of HolyiTrinity, Rayleigh
Charity Registration Number: 1069853

The Friends of Holy Trinity, Rayleigh is a small registered charity, founded in 1996 to raise funds for the ongoing maintenance and preservation of Rayleigh’s oldest building, its Parish Church.

Currently we have around 250 members.  Many are not church goers but are interested in Rayleigh’s heritage and support our aims.

We hold a number of major annual events - Tower Open Day, Garden Trail and Christmas Tree Festival.  Quizzes, outings, talks and coffee mornings are interspersed throughout the year and every two or three years we hold a Teddy Bear Parachute Jump.  This is a very exciting event where bears who may have been in training since the last jump, come to be fitted with a parachute and are then taken to the top of the tower in a very large basket that is winched up the outside of the tower.  At the top they climb out and after a final safety briefing, jump!  We have never had a fatality and paratedics (stretcher bear-ers) take them to the Tedical Centre on site offering Furst Aid to deal with bumps and bruises. There are many brave bears (and other cuddly toys) in Rayleigh who have a parachute jump certificate!

During the last 27 years through the support of our members and supporters, we have raised approx £860,000 for ongoing work.  We are delighted that The Friends were able to contribute to the recent internal refurbishment of our beautiful church building that has served the people of Rayleigh for over 643 years.  Our aim is that future generations may continue to enjoy this place.

If by chance you are reading this and you haven’t yet joined, please pick up a membership application form from Church or the Parish Centre or download it here or contact our Membership Secretary Wendy Bingley at  Members receive discounts on tickets to most Friends’ events along with the satisfaction of knowing they are ensuring that Rayleigh’s oldest building will pass to future generations in good repair.

We are very grateful to the ‘Friends’ Committee who continue to raise funds for repairs and restoration work through a programme of events and activities.  

We thank all our supporters for giving their time to attend and help with events.  If you would like to join our small, hardworking committee, please speak with Jane (01268 742215) for more information.

Would you consider giving to the Friends? You could do so through a standing order or by bank transfer. If this is possible for you, our bank details are
The Friends of Holy Trinity Rayleigh, a/c no: 80943185, sort code 20-70-93
Thank you